Test Steps
Tequra Framework includes an enhanced set of test steps including waveform testing, enhanced string testing and the ability to add data tags to specific results
Waveform Limit Test
- Compare a waveform trace against limits
- Single scalar limits or variable over length of trace
- Test name expression
- Measured parameter expression
- Test point expression
- Test parameters (test conditions)
- Meta data
- Help documentation

Extended Numeric Limit
- Easier setting of decimal places and base
- Value truncation to prevent mismatch between display and numeric precision
- Test name expression
- Measured parameter expression
- Test point expression
- Test parameters (test conditions)
- Meta data
- Help documentation
Extended String Limit Test
- Equals/ does not equal
- Begins/ends with
- Contains/ does not contain
- Regular expression
- Case sensitive or case insensitive modes
- Test name expression
- Measured parameter expression
- Test point expression
- Test parameters (test conditions)
- Meta data
- Help documentation

Boolean Limit
- Compare Boolean outputs
- Clearer output than pass/fail step
- Equal To/Not Equal To True/False comparison
- Test name expression
- Measured parameter expression
- Test point expression
- Test parameters (test conditions)
- Meta data
- Help documentation
Extended Pass Fail Test
- Test name expression
- Measured parameter expression
- Test point expression
- Test parameters (test conditions)
- Meta data
- Help documentation